Friday, October 12, 2012

super bowl football going upstairs to grab a They think can Shoudaoqinlai

e Ministry of State Security under the tacit approval of the National Security Ministry, senior officials, provoking broke into the hotel half an hour ago. This hotel is well-known-owned hotel, a lot of people coming from mainland China to Moscow like to stay here, it's very stylish decoration, and the boss a good relationship with the Moscow police, which means that security. Duty manager Chen Youtao immediately contact the Central Police Station, four police two police officers in the door of the Ministry of State Security, but their very sense of obligation throughout Shouzaimenkou to record the sequence of events. 20 police officers do not listen to Chen greeting,air jordans 11, pushed him in the side, going upstairs to grab a They think can Shoudaoqinlai, as the late 20th century that harassment oakley hotel as humiliating the oakley human Fan.
Group of police officers is completely wrong. Overseas Chinese community in Moscow now fully organized,super bowl football, and the hotel staff to be notified mobilized to prevent incidents. Watch Miss the guests immediately notify rooms ready, and use various equipment records jerseys police brutality. Resting at home security strokes, eight security plus 14 able-bodied guests, become uprising main. Contacted by telephone, 53 SDF personnel rushed to the scene, the embassy also sent young officials to stop the atrocities. Straight from their stores sides hit the outside of the Ministry of State Security officers also failed to put an oakley risking stopped in the door of the two prison van. Until th

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